Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

17 facts Indonesian cuisine

1. Ada lebih dari 17 jenis sambal, 17 jenis soto, dan 17 jenis sate tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke.
2. Ada lebih dari 8 jenis masakan tempe, 8 jenis rujak, 8 jenis pepes, dan 8 jenis krupuk di penjuru Indonesia.
3. Cuma di Indonesia 'cracker' dikenal dengan berbagai nama: krupuk, kripik, criping, emping, karak, rengginang, rambak, kemplang dll.
4. Sebelumnya, suku-suku di Indonesia punya makanan pokok masing-masing. Baru sejak pemerintahan Orde Baru makanan pokoknya diseragamkan menjadi nasi.
5. Orang Indonesia sangat suka masakan yang pedas. Takaran 'pedas' untuk orang luar Indonesia, adalah 'sedang' untuk orang Indonesia. 
6. Indomie adalah makanan paling sering dicari oleh orang Indonesia di luar negeri yang sedang kangen rumah.
7. Banyak orang Indonesia merasa dirinya belum makan, kalau belum makan nasi. Bahkan kepuasan makan nasi, tidak bisa dikalahkan dengan makan lontong atau ketupat (yang notabene adalah produk olahan nasi juga).
8. Jumlah warung Tegal dan Rumah Makan Padang di Indonesia tidak bisa dihitung jumlahnya. Kita dapat menemukan Rumah Makan Padang di hampir semua daerah di Indonesia. Kecuali di Padang.
9. Karena masih satu rumpun, maka Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura pun 'berbagi' beberapa jenis dan nama makanan yang sama, seperti laksa, cendol, rendang, sate, rujak dll.
10. Maluku dikenal sebagai pulau rempah-rempah, dan rempah-rempah inilah yang membuat Indonesia ratusan tahun yang lalu diperebutkan negara-negara kolonial! Maluku bahkan masih dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil pala terbesar di dunia.
11. Dressing khas Indonesia, namanya bumbu kacang. Bumbu kacang digunakan untuk dressing gado-gado, ketoprak, pecel, karedok, lotek. Atau untuk cocolan otak-otak, siomay, batagor dan banyak jenis makanan lain. 
12. Teknik-teknik kuliner asli Indonesia sebenarnya dipengaruhi juga oleh bangsa-bangsa yang datang ke Indonesia seperti Timur Tengah, India, Cina dan Eropa (Belanda). Kecuali Jepang?!
13. Tidak semua orang Palembang bisa membuat empek-empek, dan tidak semua orang Bangka bisa membuat martabak. 
14. Istilah Soto tidak ada terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Di luar negeri, Soto dan Sop disamakan. 
15. Otak-otak tidak terbuat dari otak dan sate Laler tidak terbuat dari lalat, begitu juga roti buaya tidak mengandung bagian tubuh buaya. Orang Indonesia memang kreatif dalam menciptakan nama-nama yang spektakuler.
16. Bakwan adalah nama makanan yang sangat ambigu. Di kebanyakan tempat Bakwan berarti perkedel jagung. Di Surabaya, bakwan itu sejenis bakso. Sedangkan di Bangka Belitung, bakwan adalah sejenis empek-empek rebus yang berkuah. 
17. Jika memesan teh, di Jawa Tengah kita akan mendapatkan teh manis, dan di Jawa Barat kita akan mendapatkan teh tawar. Untuk mendapatkan teh tawar di Jawa Tengah kita harus spesifik mengatakan 'teh tawar', dan juga untuk mendapatkan teh manis di Jawa Barat, kita harus spesifik mengatakan 'teh manis'. 

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Indonesian culinary hero

First, tour the nation Indonesia is more famous for its treat landscapes, old buildings and ancient heritage as well as the friendly tamahannya. It has also been recognized by all countries across the face of the earth. The term, this country is the Emerald Equator.
However, lack of maintenance, promotion and dissemination of that time to make this gap was harassed by adahnya advertising promotions from neighboring countries who picked up a few of thousands of this nation's culture. Heck he argued, the state name semumpun so if something like a natural.
The next state should be grateful because the president of this country is not bang strikeout, this perumahanku foreman. If only bang foreman who became president, let alone allied cuman, a bag of his brother's brother's womb gampar if he violated ethical or seize land without permission.
Well, fortunately I came to admire the figure. He is a pack Bondan Winarno. A seasoned journalist character who moves like a breeze. Unseen but felt really blowing and pusarannyanya effect.
It was he who finally opened the eyes of all nations Indonesia tourism potential if there is hidden the Culinary tour. Proved, so rich in culinary tourism in this country. Imagine, from the soup alone is more variety such as Soto Betawi, Soto Madura, Soto Padang, Coto Makassar and others.
Black Soup! Rawon Hitam, asli Indonesia

Black Soup! Rawon Black, native to IndonesiaNot to mention I've heard there are no soup is very popular in Europe because of the name and it feels really exotic aka the Black Sauce Soup of the original Black Rawon of Betawi.
All stories culinary Indonesia can be seen in acaraOm Mariah on Trans TV. In fact I think this country needs to give appreciation to the Om Mariah with a new hero, hero Culinary Indonesia.

Om Bondan Winarno, Pahlawan Kuliner Indonesia 
Om Bondan Winarno, Indonesia Culinary HeroFinally, from the movement of Om Mariah Culinary tourism is, appears typical culinary products of Indonesia other diverse and unique-unique. And about this cuisine, the right seems to have to send more students to this country. It was not until decades later years he might be new again laid claim to this treasure Kuliber Indonesia.
Motto Om Mariah was also eventually become a very popular tagline. Because of the popularity, who now does not know the term "Pokok'e Maknyuuusss". The term is a quality standard for fine food grade 'Empire' alias overhang. Hehehehe ....
I swear, I strongly support the movement of this culinary tour of Mariah Om. How not to eat where Om Bondang really fit with my view about where to eat first. Where's my view about the meal divided by 2 things:
Eat or Eat Delicious Delicious?The explanation is, Delicious Eating means feeding site must be comfortable and good for eating. This version is suitable only for eating and going out of business lobbies. Of course it should be more funding. If not more so had to use the system dibayarin aunt Visa or MasterCard Om first. Nggantinya later if there are money .. heheheh
Then, eat delicious food that means we find it tasty, it does not matter about the place. In fact I think the class where the overhang of the tongue instead give more pleasure. And of course, cost-effective even if you must bring your own towels as sweat flooded spiciness.
Problem is delicious to eat or eat any I have always sought-to emua a gang of friends to me while still a boarding school boys. No exception to the Mambo and Bendo, who was coming towards Kosku dri Jogja for field practice.

Kupat Sayur kuah kental buatan budhe Jogja di dekat Perumahanku...  
Vegetable Kupat thick sauce made budhe Yogyakarta near Perumahanku ...I explain at length the fiery and I'm very satisfied with dazed head-nod of the two friends kentalku this, as thick vegetable soup made Kupat egg at a time when I ate breakfast with my wife.
"But Ndol, the words make me mumet pearls!" Said Mambo in warteg where I'll buy him meals.
"Mumet how?"
"Yes, I do not mudeng term ama Eat Eat Delicious Enakmu"
"Loh how come?"
"Yes, I ate him it was important SENSE. Food like this "
"Loh emang awful feeling well this warteg food?"
"It's not the taste of food warteg this ... but ..."
"But what?"
"E ... I mean, suppose it .... RASAh MBAYAR! Gratiiiiisss Alias ​​", he explained.
I cuman lol, with a slight nimpuk with a spoon. But it also bener, the exception for children boarding, free is everything.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

tahu kupat

Siapa sih yang tidak tahu dengan makanan bernama kupat tahu ini. Ini adalah salah satu jenis makanan yang hampir bisa ditemui di manapun di daerah Nusantara. Disamping murah meriah, makanan ini pun sukses untuk mengganjal perut yang lapar. Makanya tak heran kalau penjual kupat tahu, dari mulai yang pakai gerobak hingga warung-warung yang permanent biasa menjual ajenis makanan yang satu ini.

Nah, bagi Anda yang berminat untuk berjualan kupat tahu atau sekedar mencoba membuatnya di rumah kala lagi tanggung bulan, Kotak Bumbu akan sedikit berbagi cara membuat kupat tahu yang nikmat. Semoga bermanfaat...

Cara Membuat Kupat Tahu

Bahan yang diperlukan:
  • 4 buah tahu dengan ukuran sedang
  • 2 buah lontong atau ketupat
  • 100 gram taoage pendek
  • 4 butir kentang ukuran sedang

Bahan untuk membuat sambal
  • 10 cabai rawit atau tergantung selera
  • 4 siung bawang putih
  • 100 gr kacang tanah yang telah digoreng
  • 4 sendok makan petis udang
  • 8 sendok makan kecap manis
  • 1 sendok teh cuka
  • Air matang secukupnya

Cara membuat:
  1. Tahu digoreng, tapi jangan terlalu kering. Angkat kemudian potong kecil-kecil.
  2. Kentang direbus, kupas lalu potong dadu kecil-kecil.
  3. Taoage diseduh air panas, tiriskan.
  4. Kemudian, semua bahan tadi taruh dalam piring kemudian siram dengan sambalnya.
  5. Tambahkan kerupuk sebagai teman santapan.

Cara membuat sambal:
  1. Cabai, bawang putih dan kacang digerus. Bubuhi petis dan larutkan dengan beberapa sendok air matang.
  2. Tambahkan kecap dan cuka. Sambal pun siap untuk disajikan.

bubur kacang ijo

Many people say that green bean porridge for good health and has many nutrients contained in it, but some say even dangerous to health because green bean porridge pake preservatives.
To answer this, I try to seek truth from various sources. Here's a little explanation:A. Green beans have high protein content, as many as 24%. Inside are an important source of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are beneficial for strengthening bones. Fat is an unsaturated fatty acid so good for the heart. Additionally safely consumed by those who have problems with weight due to lack of content is low.
2. Green beans contain vitamin B1 which serves to prevent the disease beriberi, helping the process of growth, increase appetite, improve digestive tract, and maximizing the nerve. There is research that states that a group of people who lack sufficient food containing vitamin B1, such as green beans, in a short time the symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate, and less vibrant. These symptoms are similar to the signs of stress.
3. In addition to vitamin B1, green beans also contain vitamin B2 is his duty to help the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.
4. In addition, the fat contained in the green beans were low enough for those who want to do this diet could be the right choice with a variety of ways and forms of presentation. For example, green beans made into porridge, ice, cake, or as an additive in certain types of beverages such as ice or ice mixed stoned.
Just additional information, other than peanuts, mung bean sprouts also have equally important benefits include:
1. Sprouts antioxidants help slow the aging process
2. Prevent the spread of cancer cells3. The content of vitamin E was to help improve fertility4. Very good to keep the acidity of stomach acid and digestion.5. Beauty that is useful to rejuvenate and smooth the skin, remove black stains on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and slim body.

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