often assumed by the village food, ndeso, katrok not noble people and food of rice used to be difficult because expensive only the rich and the farmers are able to eat rice. Tiwul is produced from tapioca (cassava) through the traditional process, namely cassava flour and added water to wet granules formed a uniform with a size of green beans and steamed for 20-30 minutes. First first tiwul tiwul or rice is consumed as a staple food like rice or brown rice mixed with grated coconut as a snack. sellers are now seldom to be found this tiwul tempat2 cuman particular or specific areas only. In addition, tiwul can also be dried into a traditional instant tiwul that can be retained over a year now rarely cuman problem of the city known especially anak2 tiwul would not even know tiwul tiwul more familiar instant for instant porridge banayak contain MSG.
For those who still want and desire for tiwul vent, go to the village Pandansari Wonosari Wonosari Gunungkidul there is the artificial tiwul Tumiah or not there is also instant instant tiwul Gunungkidul factory production.
Kamis, 15 Maret 2012
Nasi Tiwul

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